A Prayer about Life

Dear Lord
Life can be so strange
so full of agony
so heartbreaking
so full of tears
and then
so beautiful.

So full of joy
but this I know
is the life that
You in Your love
have prepared for me
so that I can
the true meaning of
loving and giving.

The whole reason
for living each hour
each moment, for You.

Oh Beloved Lord
teach me to live
each of those hours
those moments
for You,
only for You.
Rosa George.

beautiful life,
is a gift from God;
a gift that we must cherish,
a gift worth nurturing,
a gift worth waking up for
each and every day.
Life is of God,
we are made in His image
and likeness;
we are His children,
born to serve His purpose.
Life is of God.
Life without God,
is meaningless,
full of struggle, strife,
full of agony and resentment
full of helplessness,
anger and impatience.
Life must be with God.
Life we must guard,
guard with the full armour of God
guard with the sword of the Spirit;
guard by our thoughts
and actions
guard by obeying the
ten commandments.
We must guard our bodies
for they are the temple of the Lord.
Life, we must guard.
Pauline Okposi.

A Thinking about Jesus Prayer

I'm sitting here, Beloved Lord,
just thinking about You
and wondering, my Jesus
if You're thinking of me too;
if this should sound presumptuous
it's not meant in that way,
it's only that it's wonderful
to know You're there each day.
It may sound, Lord, familiar
but I don't mean that at all,
it's only that I want to love You
more and more and more;
it's only that each day would be
impossible to live
impossible to do my work
impossible to give.
How could I live without You
how could each day go by
How could my heart be empty
feeling You always nigh?
How could I think I know not what
knowing You died for me -
to give me everything I've got
you hung upon a tree;
to give me all that's needed
to draw me close to You,
to give me strength to live this life
the way You want me to.
And so my Lord I'm sitting here
just thinking about You
knowing, Jesus, Saviour mine
You thought about me too.
Rosa George

That is the miracle of
why You gave up Your all
for me.
Thank you, Lord.

A Prayer about Listening

You are never silent
You will
always speak to us
if only we will
stop and listen.
Rosa George

You love us so much
You will
always give us what
we ask for
if only we will
sit patiently
and wait.
Pauline Okposi